Reports and Documents
Representatives of SHRUTI have been involved in the research on the issues of hard-of-hearing learners. With support of International Disability Alliance and guidance of IFHOH, a research titled Inclusive Education Report: Realities Facing Hard of Hearing Learners in Nepal and Uganda has been conducted. The research report can be downloaded by clicking on the report image.

As limited understanding of hard of hearing was found among the teachers, SHRUTI has developed a manual for the teacher who educates students with hearing loss in mainstream school. The manual is not only useful to the teachers but also provides knowledge of hearing loss to the parents of hearing loss children and general people including the policymakers. The manual can be obtained from the SHRUTI Office.

SHRUTI Sanchar, an Annual Report of SHRUTI 2020 is a collection of the real stories of Hard of Haring People, that were published in the national newspaper during the COVID-19 pandemic. The hard copy of the annual report can be acquired from the SHRUTI Office.

SHRUTI also develops and distributes different types of brochures and leaflets to sensitize and raise awareness to general public and community. The brochures and leaflets can also be collected from the SHRUTI Office.